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The “surprise” (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the Constitutional Court of Kosovo “surprisingly” rendered as unconstitutional the agreement for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, “preventing thus an outbreak of the situation following tensions in the Kosovo Assembly and protests by the opposition”. “The President reacted immediately calling for political dialogue in order to restore normality, but MPs who raised awareness by throwing teargas in assembly sessions, are still in detention or under house arrest. This is justice in our Republic: those who turned out to be right in rejecting the Association are unrightfully denied their freedom, whereas those who violated the law and the Constitution continue to operate freely. In a normal country, the Prime Minister and his allies would go before the public and submit their resignations because of the scandal in dialogue with Serbia where they signed agreements that are in opposition with the Constitution,” the paper argues.