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Why is Vetevendosje hampering hopes for change (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist Enver Robelli writes in an opinion piece today that the Vetevendosje Movement is hampering hopes for positive change in Kosovo with their confidence in the fact that their arguments represent the truth, whereas those of others are not worthy. "The Vetevendosje MPs so desperately insist that they represent the people, but then deny others to claim this. Any journalist who does not agree with the opinions of Vetevendosje is labeled as an "embassies’ journalist" by activists of this party. With this mentality, Vetevendosje will not be able to move forward,” Robelli writes. “Also with their stance against the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and special court for war crimes, Vetevendosje is spoiling its own chances of accessing the government. With a slightly smarter policy, Vetevendosje could become a generator of positive change in Kosovo. This is much needed, because the fate of this country lies in the hands of people who are showing signs of mental instability. To become a political party that has the support of the citizens, Vetevendosje must urgently revise some of its positions,” Robelli writes.