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With hypocrisy against fundamentalism (Zeri)

Editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra argues that for several years now, a group of imams in Kosovo freely preach extremist ideologies and make open calls to young men to fight in Syria. “These imams did not fall from the skies, but rather they found shelter and were even employed by the Islamic Community of Kosovo (BIK)”. Xharra notes that “state institutions failed to react even in cases when these imams made derogatory statements against women, when they insulted national personalities and even beat up imams that opposed religious extremism”. “Even when their horrible statements become part of the public debate, the Islamic Community of Kosovo and most political parties kept silent and stuck their heads in the sand … It is absurd now when one hears some politicians, BIK officials and even civil society representatives, saying that Kosovo is threatened by this phenomena, whereas they kept silent all the time”. Xharra suggests that Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, should have summoned security institutions much earlier and even before international pressure. “The current situation in Kosovo is no surprise. Everyone witnessed public threats against those who criticized radical Islam in Kosovo, without forgetting imams who came under pressure and were even beaten for their positions against religious extremism. Thaci cannot convince us with 40 arrests. We want to see political parties completely distancing themselves from these elements, we want radical imams to stop their hateful preaching, we want laws that prevent Kosovo citizens from fighting abroad, we want funds to be controlled and all political parties that preach about sharia should be declared illegal. Investigations should be launched against dozens organizations operating in Kosovo, illegal dormitories all over Kosovo, funds coming from Arab countries and last but least there should be investigations into the riches of imams and religious leaders”.
