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Government’s deceiving (Zeri)

Milaim Shefkiu says that Kosovo leadership seems to be lost not knowing how to come out of the political deadlock from 8 June elections. None of the political parties, according to Shefkiu, is reflecting institutionalism and each is trying to somehow benefit from this situation. When shortly after election results, a coalition was reached between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Vetevendosje jumped in to take the credit for the agreement saying it was its idea to have the parties join in a partnership to prevent another term in office for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), recalls Shefkiu. At the time, everyone applauded Vetevendosje and its leader Albin Kurti but it turned out that they were also ‘seduced’ by power and changed the tune.

However, other parties are also not immune to deceit, considers Shefkiu. LDK, AAK and NISMA for instance signed the agreement without fully detailing it and as a result, are in a situation where they completely rely on Vetevendosje’s votes for electing an Assembly Speaker from their own ranks. It is not unlikely if these developments lead to new elections but even if they do take place, they will not resolve the political deadlock. Political parties should sober up and find a solution to this crisis or else it will be the international community that will intervene, like in the case of the Kosovo president, and solve the problem. “Maybe this would be the best idea”, says Shefkiu.
