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No compromise with partners of crime and corruption (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has captured all institutions of Kosovo and there are two recent examples that demonstrate this situation. The first relates to the pending indictment against PDK MP, Azem Syla, by Swiss authorities on charges of abusing the country’s social welfare system and although the investigations against Syla began almost two years ago, the PDK has never distanced itself from him and even nominated him for MP. The second example which, according to Robelli, shows PDK’s abuse of institutions is the way the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly was postponed by PDK’s Flora Brovina. Apart from what Robelli says was an arbitrary decision to postpone the session, Brovina presented her request to the Assembly’s administration after official working hours while the text of the request was full of spelling mistakes. “In fact, everything the PDK is doing since 8 June is asking for understanding for capturing of the state and its institutions so as to continue the new mission with old habits”, writes Robelli.

PDK is poorly arguing its case while insisting that since it has won most votes in elections, it is automatically entitled to form a government. There are numerous cases across Europe where the party that has won elections has remained in the opposition after not managing to secure parliamentary majority. One such example, a recent one, is in Latvia where a pro-Russian party won majority of votes in elections but as no other party wishes to enter a coalition with it, it will have to take on the role of the opposition in the new Latvian government.

Robelli goes on to pose the question of whether other parties should make a compromise with PDK and answers, “Yes, if they wish to prolong Kosovo’s agony”.