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The game of helplessness (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi remarks in a column for the paper that today is exactly four months since parliamentary elections took place and four months since political parties for which the citizens voted continue to keep Kosovo suspended. Everything has now beginning to resemble a cynical farce which is not only insulting for the Kosovo voter but is dangerous for Kosovo itself, considers Kelmendi. Last week saw the ‘grotesque’ decision of Hashim Thaci, through Flora Brovina, to arbitrarily cancel Assembly session with the clear message: “without making sure I have the numbers to elect Assembly leadership and the Government , I can put a lock on to the parliament and to democracy in the country”.  Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) failed three times to elect an Assembly speaker but it did succeed in proving that the post-election bloc is powerless in creating institutions without the PDK’s endorsement. “This way, MPs from LAN+Vetevendosje though they have a legitimate majority, can gather in an Assembly session, they can debate as much as they want, but at the end of the day it seems they will not have the courage to vote for the head of the Assembly,” writes Kelmendi. He adds that the post-election candidate for speaker, Isa Mustafa, does not wish to risk being elected once again only to have the Constitutional Court decide that his election is unconstitutional. However, it is the Kosovo voter that pays the price for this situation rather than political parties responsible for the situation.