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Djuric, Selakovic visit Mitrovica North (KoSSev, media)

Director of Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said yesterday during the meeting in Mitrovica North that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija regardless of what is happening in the future, would be safer and would have greater support from the Serbian state, media reported. Djuric added he is proud of the unity of Serbian List and Serbian people, stressing that in difficult and uncertain times, the unity of Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija was reached. He pointed out “it will not be allowed that the north of KiM is not in Serbia,” and that “we will remain persistent and united”. Secretary General to the Serbian President Nikola Selakovic said that the fight for Kosovo was a fight for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and whoever was saying something else was lying to them. Recalling that it’s been more than 1930 days since the Albanians in KiM did not fulfil the obligation and established the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, Selakovic said Serbia by fulfilling everything showed it cares about peace and solutions. He added he wondered how come, all of sudden, that at the same time representatives of the Serbian opposition, one part of the Church, but also Natasa Kandic, Sonja Biserko, were on the same side, adding that all of them together are persuading about one thing - it is better if the entire KiM is to be a so-called independent Albanian Kosovo (…). Mayor of Gracanica, Srdjan Popovic said presence of Marko Djuric and Nikola Selakovic confirms the state of Serbia is present in Kosovo and Metohija. He added that now, more than ever, Serbs need unity and accord. For more see at: is external)