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Blic: Can opposition MPs thwart the Thaci's plan for dialogue with Belgrade?

Belgrade based daily Blic reports on the current attempt of opposition MPs in the Kosovo Assembly to ''ban'' Thaci with the resolution, with support of a part of the ruling coalition, to negotiate with Belgrade on the "correction of the borders".

The daily pose a question of whether such a document, if adopted, will affect the continuation of the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue and whether Pristina will end the story of the division or exchange of territory that unexpectedly received support from the United States, including Brussels.

Despite mathematics, Kosovo's connoisseurs do not rule out the possibility that Haradinaj's and Limaj's MPs do not vote for such a proposal of the opposition, although chances are small. However, they remind, if it ever comes to an agreement or a deal, it must be adopted in the Kosovo's Assembly and this will require the support of two-thirds of the deputies.

- The parties of Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj have not signed an opposition initiative, neither the entire opposition did it. Among the signatories there are 51 out of 58 opposition MPs. If, however, the resolution against Thaci is adopted, it does not have a legally binding character, but it can certainly hinder negotiations with Belgrade - says well-informed interlocutor of the daily Blic.

Analysts in Kosovo expect the Kosovo Assembly to hold a fierce and long debate on the "obligations" of the Kosovo president in negotiations with Belgrade.

Albinot Maloku believes that at the end of the session a document will be adopted in the form of a conclusion, which should serve Thaci as a "reminder" that he cannot talk about changing the borders.

- It is clear, considering all the calculations. Haradinaj's and Limaj's opposition to the negotiations on border change is clear and the goal is to make Thaci aware that he has no mandate to talk about it. In Kosovo, no one is against the dialogue with Serbia, and no one is opposed to reaching a compromise, which will be favourable for both Kosovo and Serbia, but is against the change of borders - Maloku claims for Blic.

He says that no one until Thaci spoke about the exchange of territory or border change in Belgrade or Pristina.

- Only Dacic was mentioning the delimitation in continuity. There is no opposition in Serbia, which has a proposal for resolving the Kosovo issue. Neither in Kosovo there is a wise opposition that has a concrete plan, but they are only against the one who is in power - concludes Maloku.

Ivica Dacic, the Serbian head of diplomacy, talked about the resistance to the idea of "delimitation". He said that it was one idea, but also stated in the same sentence that there are no other ideas.

He said that the goal of Serbia is to hold international conferences and that all to be guarantors of what has been agreed upon.