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Vucic: Merkel requests meeting (Tanjug, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic said in Helsinki that he received from the cabinet of German Chancellor Angela Merkel a request for a bilateral meeting in Paris on Sunday.

"We received from the Office of the Chancellor that Merkel wants a bilateral meeting with me on Sunday morning. That speaks about the importance and the place of Serbia. People need to be proud and satisfied," the president said in a statement to the press.

He said he always wants to see Merkel and added that he believes that Europe will lose much when she leaves.

"I am very scared for the stability of the Balkans. I know all the things she did," Vucic said.

He recalled that if there was no Merkel, and if Elmar Broc did not come to Croatia to say that Zagreb was to blame, we would have had new clashes when 15-km lines of trucks were formed in front of the Croatian border (in 2015).

"A million times she did such things. Who in the future will dial a number and say something that everyone must respect. I'm afraid that such a person will not appear in the foreseeable future," he said.

Vucic emphasized that he always likes to hear what Merkel thinks and that we need to be closer to Germany, and not further away, despite those who think we need to show some muscles to someone.