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Jeremic: Flag of Kosovo in Notre-Dame do not affect them; diplomatic and media 'blitzkrieg' in 2019 (Danas)

National People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic said that Kosovo flag in Notre-Dame do not 'affect too much' the state top of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

He also said that representative of Kosovo would not have been invited to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, if the "performance" of Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci was not foreseen for this occasion.

"If there were no secret meetings between them, in March this year, on which the negotiations on 'demarcation' began and where the idea of a joint appearance in Paris on November 11 was born, the representative of Kosovo would not attend that ceremony," Jeremic said in the show 'Zumiranje', reports the daily.

Jeremic believes that Vucic's statement about failure of his policy of delimitation was false, Danas reports.

"The reality is we are in the advanced stage of the discussion of the 'delimitation', that is, the correction of the administrative line of the demarcation of Kosovo and the rest of Serbia, which would become the official state border by a legally binding agreement," Jeremic said, adding that this implies Kosovo's membership in the UN.

 "We are in fact in the final phase of the negotiations, and in the first half of 2019 we can expect a diplomatic and media 'blitzkrieg' in which they will only announce what the two sides have agreed," said Jeremic, who believes that afterwards follows parliamentary declaration, referendum or parliamentary elections in which Vucic would seek support for his decision, the daily reports.