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Covic: Maybe it would be better if there is no KFOR, so we resolve this issue (TV Prva, B92)

Nebojsa Covic, former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija told Prva TV, Kosovo Albanians would not be able to carry out police action this morning, if they had no support from the outside. “Nothing happens without knowledge of Washington,” Covic said.

“That is the pattern. You create new problems, and everything else is pushed aside. Who still remembers the “Yellow House” case, the Brussels agreement, Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, Special Court for KLA war crimes?” Covic asked.

He also added this is a sort of pressure on the EU, and it functions based on principle that the EU then would call Serbia and tell it give it up. He noted he expects no special reaction from KFOR to this morning events. KFOR would say everything is ok, as they did it until now. Maybe it would be better if there would be no KFOR then we could resolve the issue finally.