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Jaksic: Zubin Potok Municipality operations endangered (IRS)

President of the Municipal Assembly in Zubin Potok Nemanja Jaksic said that with the arrest of Stevan Vulovic, mayor of this northern Kosovo town, unfounded accusations and threats of EULEX bring additional fear and anxiety among the Kosovo Serbs. In his written statement to the media, he said that Vulovic was prevented from doing his duties in the office to which he was elected by the will of citizens and that this seriously undermines the Brussels Agreement implementation as well. Therefore, we demand of the international community and all relevant factors in Kosovo to stop with intimidation and threats and enable Vulovic to do his job as a mayor, said Jaksic. Kosovo police tried to serve Vulovic last month, but he was not home. Some media reported that Vulovic is suspected for allegedly helping a Serb to escape from the police station in Zubin Potok in March. Serbs recently held a protest rally in Zubin Potok over this case.