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''UK to create its own Serbian List'' and ''Sheholli to sue Vecernje Novosti'' (Vecernje Novosti, Kossev)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti today in an bombastic article with the headline '' UK to create its own Serbian list '' says that ''the British secret agents are working on preparing a ground for the party that would be a counterpart to the strongest option of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,'' adding that more prominent compatriots will be recruited, and that a plan is implemented by Fatmir Sheholi.

Vecernje Novosti write that the security service learned this information.

Furthermore, the article states that "the goal of this dangerous project is to eliminate the influence of official Belgrade in Kosovo and Metohija and to integrate Serbs into Pristina institutions to a greater extent, but without a real possibility of influence.

"Also, one of the intentions of this strategy'', Vecernje Novosti write, is to create a climate of "general resistance" to the idea of demarcation, as a possible permanent solution to the Kosovo issue, both among Albanians in Kosovo and central Serbia, and to practically bring Belgrade before the final act that the recognition of "Kosovo" within the current borders is the only solution if it wants to continue European integration.

Portal Kossev recall today that analyst Fatmir Sheholli, mentioned by the daily Vecernje Novosti, is organizing a gathering that will be held in the Media Center in Caglavica in mid-January 2019, and the current state of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina will be discussed.

The participation of some of the main representatives of the opposition was announced - Vuk Jeremic, Dragan Djilas, Sasa Jankovic and Zoran Lutovac, and Serbian politicians from Kosovo, Slavisa Petkovic, Nenad Rasic, Rada Trajkovic and Aleksandar Jablanovic.

According to Kossev's information, the financial support for the organization of this event is provided by the British non-profit foundation IMAN with its headquarters in London. IMAN is made up mainly of senior representatives of the British aristocracy, the lords of the House of Lords of the British Parliament and members of the Rotary Club.

Fatmir Sheholli told Kossev that no one from Vecernje Novosti newsroom contacted him before publishing the text.  He denies the allegations from the article and announces a lawsuit against the Belgrade-based daily.

"From everything that has been published in this text, the truth is that my name is Fatmir Sheholi and that I currently run Institute for Affirmation of Interethnic Relations, which has its own board, assembly and branches in Mitrovica, Gracanica, Štrpce and Pomoravlje," he said in a written statement to portal Kossev.

Finally, denying the truthfulness of allegations about the role of British intelligence services, Sheholi announces a lawsuit against Vecernje Novosti:

"And since it was announced that I have links with the British Intelligence Service, immediately after the published text, I contacted a reputable lawyer in Belgrade and authorized him to sue the daily. Let the daily prove everything written before the court," concluded Sheholli in a written statement for portal KoSSev.