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Democratic Party requests from BIA note on Oliver Ivanovic (FoNet, Dnevnik)

Caucus of the opposition Democratic Party (DS) requested the Chair of the Security Services Oversight Committee to respond if Oliver Ivanovic visited the seat of the Security and Informative Agency (BIA) in the period from October to December 2017, and reported concerns about his safety, FoNet news agency reported. In a request, signed by DS MP Balsa Bozovic it was asked whether an official note was made about the talks, and if BIA based on the information Oliver Ivanovic provided related to his safety undertook any activity in order to verify these claims. It was also asked if BIA informed Prosecution of Organized Crime about that note, and in connection with Oliver Ivanovic’s murder investigation. Given all this, Balsa Bozovic suggested to the Committee to ask the BIA to submit requested information and responses, as well as the official note in the shortest period of time. Bozovic added all this is needed so the Committee can control and oversee the legality and constitutionality of the work of the security services, FoNet news agency reported.