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KFOR's exercise in Dragas; Serbian Tabloids: "Steel ring" in Kosovo (B92)

KFOR forces in Kosovo continued with the exercise cycle, and the media reported that the Pristina authorities activated the "Steel Ring" action.

KFOR forces are conducting an exercise in order to, as reported, be ready for quick operation throughout Kosovo, and to prevent any threats which may endanger that territory, reports portal B92.

Today's exercise is carried out in the south of Kosovo, where KFOR forces maintain the security of the environment.

"This time the exercise was held in the municipality of Dragas, and it included the Multinational Western Battle Group," the official KFOR website said.

At the same time, some Belgrade based tabloids reported that Pristina authorities have activated the "Steel Ring" action, which implies blocking of road directions, as well as control of vehicles and persons and the police is on all alternative passes.

Portal reports that the KPS has withdrawn parts of the border units from the crossings towards North Macedonia and Albania and that the members of these units will be deployed in the North of Kosovo. They will, allegedly, have only one task, which is the blockade of alternate roads leading from central Serbia to the north of Kosovo. The portal states that the action is even connected with the secret lists of "prominent Serbs" against whom indictments are being prepared.

Another portal Alo (tabloid) also reports that sources close to the Kosovo police say there are indications that they will arrest Serbian officials from Kosovo.

The unnamed source of this tabloid says that the Kosovo police are applying the "steel ring" operational plan in order to intimidate Serbs, which implies blocking the travel routes that citizens use, as well as controlling vehicles and persons, reports portal B92 quoting the tabloids.