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Srpska Lista reacts to organized lynch against Marko Djuric (RTV Puls)

Srpska Lista in the strongest terms condemned yesterday “an organized lynch and mongering campaign against Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric, whose only blame was that he had a courage to publicly condemn and reveal insidiousness of Rada Trajkovic, representative of all fake patriots in Serbia,” RTV Puls reported.

Srpska Lista added “Rada Trajkovic and some social media users find it as a virtue to hate and despise your own state, and a sin when you stand up in its defense.”

Srpska Lista urged “Director Djuric and President Vucic to continue steadfastly defending Serbia and its reputation and do not pay attention to the arrogant minority which would like to glorify liars and hang, execute and send to the gas chambers those who love their state,” RTV Puls reported.