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UNMIK chief before the UNSC on Kosovo: The situation is fragile, can easily deteriorate (Serbian media)

"The leaders of all parties must act responsibly and direct the situation away from the escalation, to lead to the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue," Tanin said at a session devoted to the new report on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Speaking of the arrest of members of UNMIK during the ROSU unit’s operation of May 28, Tanin said that the Kosovo authorities violated a series of international regulations, quoted Serbian media.

"The immunity of UN personnel since the arrest was not respected. UN property was illegally confiscated and searched despite all relevant international laws and immunities, "said the head of UNMIK.

According to him, the Kosovo authorities provided information that "does not correspond to reality" and finally, a member of UNMIK was declared persona non grata.

"The doctrine of undesirable persons does not apply to UN staff," Tanin said.

He also said that UNMIK supports the desire of the Kosovo authorities to fight organized crime, and that the UN mission in Kosovo continues to focus on the goals of peace and stability in Kosovo, and the region.

The UN Security Council is discussing today the report of UN Secretary General Antony Guterres on the work of UNMIK for the period from January 16 to May 15, 2019, in which Guterres expressed concern over the tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, and appealed on both sides to refrain from inflammable statements and provocations that could cause disorders.

An internal investigation to be launched on the UNMIK members' apprehension

UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and Legal Adviser Miguel de Serpa Soares said at a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo that an internal investigation has been launched to gather information on the apprehension of two members of UNMIK in Kosovo.

He said that UNMIK had received a request to abolish the immunity of Mihailo Krasnoshchekov, a member of that mission, adding that he was charged with preventing officials from carrying out their duties. Soares added that UNMIK did not receive a request to abolish immunity for its member Dejan Dimovic.

He reiterated that members of UNMIK might be abolished immunity, but that the UN must be informed about the acts charged for through its representative. Soares explained that UN staff in Kosovo enjoys immunity from any arrest, and if it does happen, they must be released immediately and handed over to the UN mission.

He said that members of the UNMIK were arrested contrary to the rules on the basis of which the UN mission in Kosovo was established.