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Jablanović: We have not reached an agreement with Thaci (RTK 2)

President of the Serbian list Aleksandar Jablanovic denied claims that the bloc agreed with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) of Hashim Thaci.

"We do not have a deal with any political party, and even less with the PDK," said Jablanovic for RTK2.

According to him, the Serbian list requested additional time to discuss the situation created by the entry of Self-Determination movement of Albin Kurti, in a coalition with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj.

"No one from the Serbian List did say that they will go from one wing to another. We are a unique party and each member respects the views of the party," said Jablanovic.

Wednesday's agreement signed between the block LDK-AAK-NISMA and Self-Determination movement, formalized their coalition for the next four years.

The Serbian List confirmed that at the inaugural session of the Kosovo parliament, which was planned for 12 September, will support the coalition.

The very next day, however, MPs from the Serbian community and other non-Albanian communities submitted a request for a postponement of the inaugural session of the Kosovo Assembly, after it was announced that in the future the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should lead representative of Self-Determination movement, Albin Kurti.

He said at the press conference in Pristina that dialogue wil be conducted only with the EU and the EC, as well as Kosovo Serbs, which sparked concern and in international circuits.

The oldest delegate of Kosovo Assembly Flora Brovina, which is in the role of chairman, accepted the request of the Serbian list to postpone the session of Constituent Assembly for Thursday, September 18.

"The session was postponed to Thursday because the Serbian list requested additional time for consultation within the party," said then Brovina.