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World Refugee Day marked (KiM Radio)

World Refugee Day was marked in municipality Novo Brdo/Novo Berde, in the presence of Mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Chief of UNHCR Jo Hegenauer and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations. 

Mayor Ivanovic in his address said that the municipality has contributed to the return and expressed confidence that future strategy will encourage other potential returnees to return and live in this area. 

Minister Dalibor Jevtic sent a message to all IDPs to return. He pointed out that it takes dedication and support of all institutions and organizations that can contribute to achieving this goal. "Much has been done in the past and we have helped many people. The ministry will continue to work that way. For the Ministry, equally important to the return is sustainable survival, and we don’t make difference between these two goals. We will not be able to reach successful return, if we let the young people go from Kosovo," said Jevtic.


