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Jevtic: Serbs won’t have more than 10 guaranteed seats (RTK2)

Despite the fact that Serbian political subjects will pass the 5% election threshold, Serbs won’t have more than 10 guaranteed seats, said Minister for Return and Communities, Dalibor Jevtic to RTK2.

“There is still a room for political dialogue through the process of interpretation of the old election low. I want to believe that we will manage to find a solution in order that Serbs have more than 10 guaranteed seats in the next legislative magnate,” said Jevtic. He expects Constitutional Court of Kosovo to resolve any eventual dilemma regarding this issue in order to avoid the institutional crisis.

Jevtic argues that if Serbian List becomes the part of new government of Kosovo, there won’t be problems with coalition partners with regards to its cooperation with the Serbian government.

“According to Kosovo Constitution, Serbian community is entitled to cooperation with Belgrade and in that sense I don’t see any problems,” said Jevtic and added that their only interest is protection of interests of Serbs through a joint appearance of Serb representatives in Kosovo, supported by the Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian government.

“Dialogue must not stop. Dialogue must continue in the interest of building the trust amongst, first of all, the Serbian and Albanian communities, but for the sake of building the better life in this region, too,” said Jevtic.
