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All masks fell: Recognize Kosovo! (Vesti online)

Further European integration of Serbia is impossible until Belgrade and Pristina reach agreement, indicated Serbian experts on international issues. Analyst Dusan Janjic says that Serbia will have to resolve the issues that Germany insists on, including the fulfilment of the Brussels agreement, and adoption of a second framework agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. “I believe that it will happen between November this year and March next year,” said Janjic explaining that different scenarios are impossible, since Berlin and London are creators of the document, "non-paper", and German Chancellor Angela Merkel has put all her authority in the matter.

“One must carefully read the document, because in the first Agreement of 15 points, it is written that another agreement is expected, since April Agreement didn’t include disputable questions such as Kosovo in the UN, Serbs as a national community, cross-border cooperation and others. These issues should be solved with the new agreement, so they could be transferred to the content of chapter 35,” said Janjic.

He believes that Pristina will not get a seat in the UN, because of the veto of China and Russia, though Moscow could trade with the issue, but certainly not Beijing. Kosovo will, most probably like Palestine, have observer status. Serbia, as indicated, does not have to recognize Kosovo, but must not block the German request on the cooperation of Kosovo in international governmental and non-governmental organizations, including the UN.

The same sequence of events is expected by the former ambassador to France, Predrag Simic who points out that even after reaching another agreement there will be additional requirements, such as recognition of Kosovo. “Changes in this request should not be expected, and we can clearly say that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is the main request,” says Simic.

He points out that on the road to the EU is very important the issue of state reforms, but also points out that the agreement is “a must”. “For EU, or for Germany, as we can see, is not so important to determine the Serbian position on Ukraine. It is more important that Belgrade support the consolidation of Kosovo and that Kosovo reach the UN and the international community,” said Simic.