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Prison for Thaci, Haradinaj, Limaj, Krasnici (Vesti online)

Indictments for the Albanian leaders, which are already certain, and attempts to erase their criminal past are blocking the Kosovo institutions. Hashim Thaci is trying to stay in office, in order to prevent an indictment for trafficking in human organs, which, according to the Court sources, a special prosecutor Clint Williamson has already prepared.

The opposition, led by Isa Mustafa, President of the Democratic League of Kosovo, announced immediate prosecution of Thaci and his associates (for organized crime and corruption), in case they form the government. On the other hand, the same coalition led by former, ICTY detainee, Ramush Haradinaj, fears the arrest.

First on the list is the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, also a former ICTY detainee. He has been indicted for crimes committed in the infamous camp Klecka, in 1998 and 1999. The indictment charged him for crimes against the civilian population. He is also accused in the case of money laundering in the Ministry of Infrastructure, at the time when he served as a minister in Thaci's cabinet. The lists of the accused persons include former president of the interim Kosovo Parliament, Jakup Krasniqi, General Secretary of the KLA HQ. As Srna learned from the EULEX, he will be held responsible for the crimes that KLA committed in the prison camp Likovac near Srbica/Skenderaj.

Ramush Haradinaj, who was banned from entering the United States, should be held responsible because he transferred kidnapped Serbs from Metohija to Albania, where their organs were harvested. The area of Metohija during 1998-1999, as well these days, was under the complete control of Haradinaj clan.

Slobodan Petrovic, member of the Serbian list and Thaci's deputy, in charge of the local administration, also fears the indictment. Petrovic is directly associated with the embezzlements, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Agency for privatization.  "We conducted investigation on responsibility of Petrovic in the case of privatization of socially owned enterprises in the municipality Strpce/Shtërpce and in several other cases of privatization," learned Srna in EULEX.