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Area code certain, billing of calls an important issue (RTK2)

Kosovo will get the area code but first must comply with all international standards, told RTK2, Randjel Nojkic Director of the post office in Kosovo in the system of Serbia.

An area code for Kosovo is one of the most important issues for telecommunications in Kosovo. According to the Brussels agreement between Pristina and Belgrade, reached in August 2013, Kosovo will receive an international phone number from the International Telecommunication Union.

Randjel Nojkic believes that discussions on the topic of communication between Belgrade and Pristina were constructive and he expects solution.

"It is inevitable that Kosovo will get a phone number, but the question is how this will be implemented, which will depend on the willingness of Kosovo to comply with all international standards," said Nojkic.

Nojkic points out that obtaining the phone number is an important issue for Kosovo's institutions, but it is important and how calls will be charged.

"Whether specific criteria will apply for Mitrovica (North) compared to Gracanica, Ranilug/Ranillug, Strpce/Shterpce, an issue that needs to be addressed." says Nojkic.

Telekom employees will be a separate issue after receipt of the area code. Nojkic estimates that it will depend on the Serbian representatives in Kosovo institutions.

Serbian MPs should propose viable solutions, based on the situation in which we are and legal requirements that apply in this area. If there is an initiative, and a solution is possible," says Nojkic.

In Kosovo currently there are 25 post offices operating in the system of Serbia and there are about 250 workers. Asked how they work, Nojkic says:

"We operate in the same manner as a public company the Post of Serbia, but we have to respect the laws of Kosovo, which are very important for the transition of mail from one to another side."

Nojkic considers as necessary to find permanent solution that will suit both Serbian and Albanian side, in order to provide a better way for our users and enable the proper functioning of telecommunications.

"The laws on postal services in Kosovo are very clear that PTK cannot be the only operator in Kosovo, the Serbian Post Office can be a very serious competitor, both in internal and in external traffic. If we get a license, the Post of Serbia would become profitable institutions in the region that will provide services to all who live in Kosovo," said Nojkic in the RTK2 morning program.
