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Ivanovic: Government participation is in Serbs' interest (Tanjug,Vesti,Dnevnik,TV Most)

NOVI SAD - Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Citizens' Initiative 'Freedom, Democracy, Justice“ (SDP) and the most famous prisoner in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), said Sunday that the participation of KiM Serbs in the new government in Pristina, in full coordination with the Serbian government, could prove a far more efficient way to promote their vital interests.

In an interview with Novi Sad-based daily Dnevnik, Ivanovic stressed that being a part of the Kosovo government would mean being informed about all the developments and having a chance to “suppress the most extremist ideas by taking a smart and well thought out, but a firm political stance”.

The Serbs' participation in the government and the realization of their goals will be challenging but nevertheless “possible, with the support and in cooperation with the international officials in Pristina, and in full coordination with the Serbian government”, noted the SDP leader, who has been detained for more than seven months, after an arrest that took place just before the mayoral election in northern Kosovska Mitrovica.

In a written reply to Dnevnik's questions, Ivanovic stressed that Serbia “has done everything that could be done in this situation”, referring to his arrest and detention.

The detention for Ivanovic has been extended on several occasions, citing the risk of flight and influencing witnesses as the reason, despite the fact that the government of Serbia offered guarantees that he would remain available to Kosovo judicial authorities at all times and asked for his release pending trial.

Ivanovic recalled that Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic presented his case at a meeting of the UN Security Council and that all relevant international organizations have also been informed about it.

An appeal was sent to all of them, asking “for my release from groundless detention, which I see as a punishment without a judgment,” said Ivanovic.