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International institutions mediated for Gorani pupils (Vecernje Novosti)

In the elementary school "Zenuni" in the village of Brod, near Dragas, in Gora the classes for pupils are divided according to two curriculums, the Serbian and Kosovo. In addition, students on Sar Planina now attend classes in Bosnian language.

“Our school has 115 students, out of which 80 attend school in Serbian language,” says Nijazija Sar, the school director who works according to Serbian curriculum. He says that the school year has started on time, avoiding to speak about the problems - because, entering the school building for children who are learning the Serbian plan was provided only through the mediation of international institutions.

“School director who works according to the Kosovo system refused to hand over the key of the front door to the other director. Since we were not able to react, the UNMIK and OSCE mediated,” said Predrag Stojčetović, Head of School Administration in Mitrovica.

In Gora, currently there are about 10,000 inhabitants, though in 1999 there were twice as many. They say they still survive on income from Serbia, salaries, pensions, child allowances and other forms of assistance.