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New topics of the dialogue are possible (RTK2)

On September 4, in Brussels will be continued dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade on integrated border management. Political analyst Dusan Janjic believes that Belgrade and Pristina will have series of meetings, whose results will directly affect the European future of both sides.

According to Janjic, one of the first topics of dialogue will be the issue of private and socially owned property in Kosovo. "There are topics that are not fully negotiated, and it must be done. These topics are telecommunications, transportation, air transportation, rail transportation, private and social property, human rights, as well as confirmation of the rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church", said Janjic. 

The fate of missing persons, regardless of nationality, must be one of the future points of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, told RTK2, president of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Kosovo, Prenk Gjetaj.

Leposavic mayor Dragan Jablanović expects that next Brussels meeting will result in an agreement related to the collection of money revenues from Jarinje and Brnjak crossings: "We are not allowed to use the funds which are collected, though collection of the money started nine months ago, as stipulated by the Brussels agreement. In addition, almost all employees working at administrative crossings are Albanians, except only few Serbs," said Jablanović. 

Resumption of the Brussels agreement is scheduled for 4 of September. Head of Pristina team Edita Tahiri said that Serbia was responsible for the stagnation in the dialogue.

Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija denies this statement, claiming that Belgrade is ready for the next negotiations. The stalemate in the dialogue with Pristina is caused by the political vacuum related to the formation of the new Parliament and Government.