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"Absolute unity" in cabinet, says spokesman (B92)

BELGRADE -- Milivoje Mihajlović says there is "absolute unity in the government" while "the PM will not have a tough job when he looks at his ministers' biannual reports."

The comments of the head of the Government Media Office came after media reports that a cabinet reshuffle was in the works.

Speaking about the reports expected to soon be filed by the ministers, Mihajlović pointed out that this was "regular testing of the quality of work of the government," while Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić "will make a decision" after he receives them.

"The prime minister will decide on a concept, whether he will continue along this road, whether he will make improvements or take some steps," Mihajlović told the public broadcaster RTS.

He added that the government in the past six months had "very lively, primarily economic activity," and that due to the May floods worked during the first few months of its mandate under extraordinary circumstances and took all decisions unanimously.

Asked "what would happen if some of the ministers did not have satisfactory results" and "whether it it was possible that admonitions would be issued," Mihajlović said that the decision will be made "solely by the prime minister."

He also said the aim of Vučić's ongoing three-day visit to Britain was to talk to as many businesspeople and politicians as possible, those who "in some way can affect the attraction of foreign investments, because an important activity of the government is reviving the economy."

Commenting on President Tomislav Nikolić's decision not to attend a WW1 commemoration in Belgium because organizers also invited Kosovo officials and planned to display symbols of the self-proclaimed "Republic of Kosovo," Mihajlović said Nikoli's move was was in accordance with a government instruction that applies to all Serbian officials.

"Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's illegal declaration of independence, and we will act in the same manner in the future," said the head of the Government Media Office.