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Bamieh: I will be the new Asange; Meucci: Unsatisfied staff are accusing us (Blic)

“If they want to turn me into Julian Asange, that’s what they will get. I believe they think I talked to Koha Ditore, but all that is published in Koha is in the domain of public information,” said Maria Bamieh, EULEX prosecutor, after suspension. She stated that the information she possess, when discovered, will shock the EU. “Yes, it will shock the EU, because the organization (EULEX) wastes the taxpayers' money and is doing nothing for the people of Kosovo,” added suspended prosecutor.

The Head of EULEX Mission in Kosovo, Gabriele Meucci suspended her because of "leaking of classified information", and according to the allegations that she presented in the statement for Koha Ditore, in which she revealed corruption in the EU mission in Kosovo. Meucci has said that the accusations come from people who are unsatisfied because they are dismissed. “The mission has a dedicated team of professionals, who are working hard in a tough environment. They have my full support and confidence. We are here to carry out the mandate, agreed upon exchange of letters,” said Meucci. To implement this mandate, the mission had to be restructured and reconfigured. “As in the case of any other organization, this process means that some people are disappointed, because they had to leave the mission,” said Meucci.

According to him, reducing the mission is a natural process. “We are here to work with the Kosovo authorities. The only viable way forward for Kosovo's government is taking over the responsibilities,” he said.

Meucci stated that allegations on corruption of high mission officials should be presented through court proceedings (where allegations could be confirmed, or refuted), rather than giving information before the court of public opinion. “If someone has evidence of a crime, he must provide evidence through appropriate channels and not to "advertise" this evidence to the press. This story will not deter the mission from its main task: building sustainable institutions of the rule of law in Kosovo,” said Meucci.

The statement reads that EULEX mission will not comment on any investigation that is on-going, or any "leaked" document that is claimed to be associated with the investigation.
