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Qeku wants the army, but he needs the Serbs (Blic)

Agim Qeku, Kosovo Minister of Security Forces (KSF) announced a rapid transformation of KSF in the Kosovo Armed Forces, immediately after the inauguration of the new Kosovo parliament. However, the Law can be passed only if two-thirds majority in the parliament as well at least two thirds of the members of minorities support it. Half of minority MPs are Serbs, which means that some of them should vote for the proposal. But, Serbian MPs deny such a possibility.

“It’s nothing new. They tried to do the same also last year and, of course, we did not support it,” says Slobodan Petrović, still the Deputy PM and MP of the Serbian list. He believes that the topic about the formation of the army was released to the public because of the negotiations on forming a new Kosovo government. He added that for the "Serbian list that cannot be considered as an issue." “We would be frightened if someone else would bring the decision. But since we will decide about it there is no reason for fear,” says Petrovic.

Nenad Rasic from the Progressive Democratic Party thinks that the story about Kosovo's armed forces is more propaganda, because of the Albanian holiday - Flag Day.

Serbian Defence Minister, Bratislav Gašić, says that Ceku’s statement is an expected provocation. "Serbia is dedicated towards the EU and respect all signed international agreements, as well as UN SC Resolution 1244, which clearly states that new armed forces cannot be formed in our southern province," says Gašić.