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Jablanovic: Still without official negotiations (Danas)

The head of the Serbian List (SL) Aleksandar Jablanovic negated the writing of Pristina-based media that SL, which has nine MPs in the Kosovo parliament, has requested two ministerial posts in the coalition government of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK).

“We didn’t request anything, since we didn’t have official negotiations yet about the composition of the government made of PDK and LDK. At informal meetings their representatives only told us that the new government will have 18 ministries, out of which four are supposed to be allocated to minority communities in Kosovo,” explained Jablanovic.

According to Pristina-based media minority communities have requested four ministries out of which two should go to Serbs, while Turks and Bosniaks would have one each. Same sources claim that minority communities will have to accept ministries allocated to them by the PDK and the LDK, and that the Serbian List is threatening not to vote for constitutional amendments and not to join the government unless its conditions for creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities and return of displaced Serbs are met.
