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Mayor of Zubin Potok ordered one month house arrest (Tanjug)

Mayor of Zubin Potok Stevan Vulovic has been ordered 30 days of house arrest, carried Pristina-based media quoting EULEX spokesperson Dragana Nikolic-Solomon.

Vulovic was questioned yesterday for several hours at the Basic Court in Norh Mitrovica, due to suspicions for organizing an escape of Slobodan Sovrlic from the police station in Zubin Potok in March this year, when a group of citizens entered police station and forcefully released Sovrlic.

In mid-July Kosovo Police tried to summon Vulovic and former mayor of Zubin Potok Slavisa Ristic for an interview under charges that they have committed several criminal acts, following an EULEX order, but to no avail since they were not present at their places of residence. Soon after arrest warrants were issued against both. Ristic was questioned a week ago after he voluntarily reported himself to EULEX.
