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Strategy for return of displaced should undergo significant changes (NSPM/Tanjug)

Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government, Aleksandar Jablanovic, says that more than 2000 displaced from Kosovo wish to return and that strategy for return should be significantly amended.

Jabalnovic said to Radio Kosovo program in Serbian language that current strategy should undergo changes in order to enable sustainable return and that returnees could return to settlements with developed institutions.

Jablanovic stressed that 16 years after the conflict is a long period and that most of displaced families have already settled themselves in new environments throughout Serbia proper and wider region. However, he added, there is a will for return amongst many.

“I am in possession of data that around 2300 families are interested for the real return here, which would not look like that families return to reconstructed houses only over the weekends and vacation periods,” Jablanovic said. He stressed that strategy of return should pay a special attention to collective centers in Kosovo that are sheltering internally displaced from central Kosovo and Metohija. In his opinion this category should be provided with permanent housing solution in order for them to stay in Kosovo, despite their dire economic situation.

He went on to say that good coordination between the Ministry of Communities and Return and security structures are very important for the return, along with the financial support which is crucial for sustainable return.

Jablanovic said that funds should not be an issue considering firm promises received from the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and the former one, Hashim Thaçi, that Ministry’s budget will be increased from EUR 5,6 million to EUR 7.6 million.
