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Division of Kosovo, or distancing from Vucic? (Vesti online)

The new proposal for the solution of the southern Serbian Province, announced recently by the Serbian President Nikolic, the opposition parties see as President’s attempt to differently position himself on the domestic political scene. Former negotiator and head of the parliamentary caucus of the Democratic Party, Borko Stefanovic, believes that Nikolic wants to propose division of Kosovo, or to try to distance from Vucic, who is expected to recognize Kosovo.

The Adviser of the Serbian President, Stanislava Pak denies that there is a conflict between the president and prime minister in regards to Kosovo.

The Democratic Party of Serbia, however, believe that policy towards Kosovo leads the president, through his former adviser and now director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, who is "known for his idiotic statements about status" of the southern Serbian province.

“At the beginning of the term, Tomislav Nikolic brought a platform on Kosovo which Serbs from the southern province accepted, and then the President, for the umpteenth time, betrayed his people and abandoned his platform. Tomislav Nikolic has strongly supported the Brussels Agreement which presents capitulation and which was signed by Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Vucic. President also urged Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to vote in local elections, announced by the separatist authorities in Pristina,” reminded the provincial committee of the DSS.

The party calls on the President of Serbia to rely to the Serbian Constitution, because it is "the strongest and best defence of Kosovo and Metohija".

Recall, the current political platform for discussions with representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina provides that any solution of dialogue must be in accordance with the Serbian Constitution and UN Resolution 1244 and that Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's independence.