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Solidarity for Kosovo (RTK2)

Frenchman Arnaud Gouillons, with his organization "Solidarity for Kosovo", continues to support the Serbian population.  A convoy with French aid will visit Serbian areas throughout Kosovo in the days before the New Year. They first arrived in Staro Gacko. In addition to gifts for children, families received new stoves on wood and electricity.

Organization "Solidarity for Kosovo", led by Gouillons, is visiting Serbian areas in Kosovo for a decade. "This is our gift for the New Year and Christmas. For us it is a great symbol- to show our solidarity with the Serbs living in enclaves in Kosovo and Metohija, because we know that they are alone throughout the whole year. We want to show that we are with them and to think about them the whole year, "said Gouillons.

Diocese of Raska and Prizren with the help of parish priests and teachers from rural areas advised which families should receive the aid. Till New Year, families in Novo Brdo, Gorazdevac, Velika Hoca and other Serbian areas in Kosovo will receive the aid.