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Selimi: Implementation of the agreement two steps forward one backwards (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Pristina had implemented most of provisions deriving from the Brussels Agreement, whereas Belgrade has a very problematic history in that regard, assessed Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Kosovo Petrit Selimi.

“Implementation of the agreements follows the pace – two steps forward and one backwards. Even though there is a feeling that Belgrade has started to abandon illegal claims about Kosovo, there are moments of tensions which are jeopardizing the process of implementation of the agreements,” said Selimi to Beta news agency, and added Pristina needs to be assured that illegal structures in northern Kosovo will be abolished.

According to Selimi, job that lays ahead of Pristina, considering that agreement in Brussels opened the door for implementation of Kosovo Constitution and laws throughout Kosovo, is to raise capacity of Serbian staff and enable them to get acquainted with the new legal framework and to adjust to it.

When asked about the main obstacle for creation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (C/ASM) its jurisdiction and whether Pristina plans to change laws in order to enable further implementation of Brussels agreements, he replied that C/ASM will be established timely. “It won’t have any legislative or executive jurisdiction, but will have to be accepted as a legitimate body, which can assist municipalities in order that they function better and offer better services,” explained Selimi.

Selimi also said that property issues will not be discussed with Belgrade. “If we open a chapter on who owns what to whom, Kosovo will open the issue of war reparations for all property that was destroyed in Kosovo by Serbian state bodies and the one of stolen pensions,” Selimi said. “Serbia has to pay those pensions according to the European Court of Human Rights’ decision,” said Seliimi, and added that Serbia has to take over accountability for past events, not only for the sake of normalization but for the sake of truthful reconciliation between Belgrade and Pristina.