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"Genocide lawsuit" plans are "insult to victims" (B92, Tanjug)

Parliamentary Committee on Kosovo and Metohija chairman Milovan Drecun says Hashim Thaci's announcement of a "genocide lawsuit" was "an insult to the victims."

Drecun, an MP from the ruling SNS party, said on Monday he believes that Kosovo cannot move forward unless it sets up a special war crimes court in the next few months.

"Kosovo cannot move forward unless it urgently, in the next few months, forms a special court to investigate and press charges against those members of the terrorist KLA who committed terrible crimes against the civilian population, predominantly Serbs, but also other non-Albanians, and members of the Serbian security forces."

He added that it was necessary to provide financial resources, which according to current estimates range between EUR 200 to 300 million, as well as judges.

Drecun pointed out that Thaci's announcement that Pristina would "sue Serbia for genocide" was "an insult to the victims" because, as he said, it would mean that those most responsible for war crimes would sue someone else.

"The terrorist KLA carried out a planned campaign of violence, killed civilians, carried out ethnic cleansing, which can be interpreted as genocidal intent. Whether the terrorist KLA committed genocide in Kosovo and Metohija will certainly be established by the court that should be set up," he said.

When it comes to Serbia, Drecun said that members of the security forces "defended all residents precisely from the terrorist KLA, which was commanded by Hashim Thaci."