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Serbs want "strong community of municipalities" (Dailies)

 Councilors from ten Serb municipalities have adopted "a decision on united political action, protection of rights and realization of interests of Serbs."

 This would happen "through the constitution of a strong community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo (ZSO)," Tanjug reported. The meeting on Wednesday also asked for a harmonized draft of the ZSO statute to be submitted to a joint meeting of municipal assemblies.

According to the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, "councilors from municipalities with Serb majority requested constitutional and legal provisions concerning the number of Serbs in institutions and public enterprises on all levels to be respected, as well as adequate representation of Serbs in municipalities where Serbs do not constitute majority population."

In the conclusions, they "insist on the principle according to which their presence in institutions on all levels and selection of Serb staff is in exclusive jurisdiction of appointed Serb political representatives."

The councilors also called for protection of property and rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church and noted that new laws on issues of importance for the Serb community should be adopted only with the consent of appointed Serb representatives.

Speaking at a meeting of representatives of Serb-majority municipalities in Gracanica, Serb List leader Aleksandar Jablanovic said that the Kosovo government should show a constructive approach and implement what it had signed in practice. “We should not be looking at any new agreements before seeing that which has been signed implemented, and I hope that we will leave this meeting more united,” said Jablanovic, who was prime minister in the Kosovo government before Prime Minister Isa Mustafa dismissed him from his position as minister of returns in February.
