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Mogherini: We are not turning a blind eye to Serbia (Dailies)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini dismissed claims that the EU "is turning a blind eye" to Serbia's internal reforms, all because of Belgrade's readiness to resolve the Kosovo issue.

Economic, social and political reforms have to be achieved and implemented without any delay. So, there is no turning a blind eye, Mogherini said in an interview for Belgrade-based daily Danas.

The EU official arrived Friday in Belgrade, where she first met with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic.

My message will be clear - Serbia is firmly on its path to the EU, but there are reforms that have to be implemented and resolved immediately. The EU wants chapters from membership talks open as soon as possible. With commitment and political will - which is something Serbia has already showed - this can be achieved, Mogherini said.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said that comprehensive normalization of relations is expected of Belgrade and Pristina.

In this regard, it will be necessary to find solutions in the near future, for a number of open issues, Mogherini said in an interview for Belgrade-based daily Danas.

She also said the agreements reached so far have not been fully implemented. We are working with both sides on reaching that goal, Mogherini added.

As for the issue of property in Kosovo, the EU official said this is a difficult issue in many countries.

What is required of Serbia is continuing commitment to the visible and sustainable progress in relations with Kosovo, which leads to a comprehensive normalization of relations, she stressed.