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Serbian MFA reacted to Rama’s statement by instruction (TV Most)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia reacted to the statement of the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama about a possible unification of Albania and Kosovo by sending the appropriate instruction to all of Serbia’s missions to international organizations and embassies in the countries of the EU, members of the UNSC and the neighbouring countries.

“Also, on this occasion, a letter was sent to the Chairperson of the UN Security Council with a request to be circulated as a document of the UN Security Council. We expect our diplomatic offices to send a report about the reactions in the next few days, and the public will be informed about it in due time,” was said in a written statement of MFA.

In a joint interview of Rama and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci, Albanian Prime Minister said that "the unification of Kosovo and Albania" could happen in two ways depending on the EU’s approach.

First way is the unification within the EU. However, if the EU continues to keep the door closed for Kosovo then the "two states will be forced to unite in a classical way."

