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Burglars broke into the house of returnees in village Drsnik (RTK2)

Unknown persons broke into the house of a Serb returnee family in village Drsnik, Klina/Klllinë Municipality, and took away money, cell phones and personal documents.

The president of the provisional body (Serbian administration) Bozidar Sarkovic said to RTK2 that four burglars with hoods broke into the house of Serb couple last night around 21:30 while they were in the house asleep. He explained that burglars broke the entrance door and had some agricultural tools in their hands. They hit the man in the hand and ordered his spouse to remain quiet. Sarkovic said that burglars took away 7000 RSD, 90 EUR two cell phones and owner’s identification documents. It was also reported that several other houses have been burglarized in village Drsnik.

The case was reported to Kosovo Police, whereas the family was visited by the deputy mayor of Klina/Klinë Municipality.
