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EU position is clear, Kosovo recognition is up to the member states (RTS)

Asked to comment the release of website, Spokesperson of EU High Representative Maja Kocijancic said: “The EU's position is very clear. The dialogue which EU is facilitating between Belgrade and Pristina is about normalisation of relations. The issue of recognition is for the member states. This was clearly explained to the media by the High Representative during her visit to Pristina and Belgrade.”

Commenting on the recent press reports referring to the info graphics published on the social network, Kocijancic said that this is info graphics and icons used are “for illustrative purposes, not political statements.”

Portal published that though official politics of the EU in regards to the Kosovo status is still neutral, Mogherini recognizes Kosovo. In one article on her Facebook page, about the first six months of Mogherini's service as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, she included Kosovo in the list of states she visited.