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Stojanovic: Key security risk is "Greater Albania" (Kontakt Plus Radio)

President of the Parliamentary Committee for the control of the security services Momir Stojanovic thinks that in addition to international extremism and terrorism a key security risk for Serbia is realization of the project "Greater Albania".

Stojanovic said that it is not excluded that the wave of terrorism, launched in Macedonia, will spill over into Serbia, even though the institutions of Serbia have taken all preventive measures from the operational and intelligence perspective.

He said that potentially the biggest risk area is ​​the Presevo Valley, and it's an important strategic point. "Through the valley passes the key road and rail communications, and “Turkish stream” pipeline is planned to pass through that area.  It is possible that the great powers for whose interest the Turkish stream is detrimental hit the weakest link in a row – FYROM. Serbia will have to be careful, not to lose the south of central Serbian territory, while fighting for the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” he said.

When asked who really controls the terrorists, Stojanovic said that it is no secret that the United States "in terms of policy in the Western Balkans, rely on the Albanian Corpse."

"America has no problem of realization “Greater Albania” because it is not a threat to their security and their interests. On the other hand, the EU is afraid of “Greater Albania”, because the project is a source of instability in this part of the world," he said.

Stojadinovic said that all Albanian political leaders in the region are basically “one brain”. The division between them is such that one part of them is sending conciliatory messages, while the other part sends messages that are radical and extreme. They are always ready to give a nod to terrorists, so they would take action when needed. However, they do it only when they themselves get a nod from outside," said General Stojanovic.