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Joint appeal for the EU assistance and support (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic addressed the participants of the Vienna Economic Forum held today in Tirana, after the host, the Prime Minister of Albanian, Edi Rama, and said that the appeal for the EU assistance and support has to be a joint one.

Beside Vucic and Rama, prime ministers of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo were present as well.

“We finally agreed about two very important issues – joint goal for all of us, and that one is the European way, and fully fledged EU membership. It can’t be expected to take place tomorrow, there are many thing that should be done before it,” said Vucic.

States of the region should work more together, to be jointly presented in front of the European institutions and jointly ask what is needed.

“If we can’t receive assistance and support from the EU, we have to do as much as we can on our own,” said Vucic.

Serbian Prime Minister spoke about joint infrastructure project and said that he proposed to Albanian and Montenegrin prime ministers to sign joint projects and ask Brussels’ support for them, and added that Serbia would be ready to finance those projects from its own resources if funds are not provided by the EU.

He went on to say that funding from the EU would be important because those projects would connect states and nations, create better economic situation and provide opportunity for joint appearance on the third markets.

Vucic also said that Serbia is ready for integrative processes in Balkans and said that this initiative should continue, and added that Serbia was the pillar of stability in the region.

“After we join the EU we won’t be the poorest part of the EU. We want to be as much successful as possible, and exactly from this reason we are implementing economic and other reforms, what is impossible without the regional cooperation,” said Vucic.
