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Janjic: Meeting in Washington ‘break the ice’ in the relations (Blic)

Political analyst Dusan Janjic said that “the ice was broken”, referring to the low profile of relations that existed between Washington and Serbia since 2010. He said that the visit of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to the United States is very important and presents building confidence in the policy led by the Serbian Prime Minister.

"When someone talks with the people who prepare decisions, or even participate in making decisions, then he reached the top of the US administration," Janjic told TV Pink. He believes that it can be said that Vucic’s visit to the United States was at a very high level, and that given the circumstances it is maybe the highest possible level that could be reached at this time.

The visit to the USA came at the right time, said Jovan Kovacic from "East West bridge", adding that for Serbia is very important that America gave strong support for further European integration. "Vucic spoke with Susan Rice and as I see the hierarchy of influence in Washington DC, Susan Rice is perhaps even stronger person than Vice President Joe Biden, because she directly affects the creation of American foreign policy," said Kovacic for TV Pink.
