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Government of Serbia for the revision of Resolution 1244? (Vesti)

Resolution 1244 could be the subject of the "revision", at the request of the Serbian government, said Marko Jaksic, vice president of the Democratic Party of Serbia. He says the president of the Serbian government "misused" the recent visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov to Serbia and has asked him to consider "new angles" of this Resolution.

- Prime Minister asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov about this option, who himself was caught on the issue of change of Resolution 1244. Lavrov, for his part, said that it was more a question for the Russian national leadership, not for him, but he suggested the Prime Minister to write a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, that would consider what the Prime Minister wants from Russia - claims Jaksic for Sputnik.

Jaksic said that he assumed that Serbian Prime Minister wants to change the determinants of the Resolution which defined Kosovo as a part of Serbia's territory under Resolution 1244.

Political hypocrisy

- In the framework of resolution there is a sentence which says that Kosovo is part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia. I guess that's what most bothers Vučić's Western mentors - says Jaksic.

He said that it would mean absolutely undisturbed entry of Kosovo into the UN, noting that the stories, that "even if this happens - it does not mean that Serbia recognizes Kosovo", are extreme political hypocrisy.

Pavle Dimitrijevic from the Bureau for Social research (BIRODI) says that it was still premature for the claim that international officials, who come from Germany and other Western countries, demand from Serbia to recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

He added that the upcoming meeting with Angela Merkel will not be of such a nature that it will require Serbia to recognize Kosovo directly.

Dimitrijevic reminded that we should not forget that the constitutional changes were announced for 2017, then we should expect that this would lead to a change of political attitude toward Kosovo, because without constitutional changes, hardly could be justified such a shift in the Serbian government policy.

The foundation of Serbian foreign policy

He notes that the Resolution 1244 was the basis of any political and legal operation of Serbia in all international organizations, and the foundation of our foreign policy.

- As for the reception of Kosovo in the UN, we must not forget that Serbia, whether tacitly or directly, already has given the green light, and did not interfere with Kosovo's membership in other international organizations - says Dimitrijevic.

We are witnessing, he said, that Kosovo will become a member of various international sporting organizations and the issues of Kosovo in the UN will be inevitable at some point.

- The only thing is that I do not believe it would happen now, but in about a year, year and a half - estimated Dimitrijevic.

Kosovo already sold?

- What I'm afraid of is that the Prime Minister of Serbia in fact already has agreed to meet all the requirements, which the West wants from him, apparently because of the EU, and I personally think that he agreed three years ago, at a time when the West has actually brought Serbian Progressive Party to power - says Dimitrijevic.