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Americans, Germans and British create a new Balkans (Blic)

America, Germany and Britain, the core countries of the Euro-Atlantic partnership, these days with new energy are moving into a creation of a new Balkan order.

For all the Western Balkan countries this implies convergence and, eventually, accession to the EU, with a developed rule of law and market economy. But forcing the processes with which Serbia would find it difficult to reconcile, such as, how the Western powers see it, the "pacification of Serbian nationalism," entry into NATO, the abolition of the Republika Srpska and "satisfied Albanians" in all countries in which they live.

It is our region, as noted Ivan Vejvoda from Marshall Fund, that remained as the last unfinished work of the West. We are expecting in July, as Blic wrote, two key events: Visit of the most powerful women of the world, Angela Merkel on 8 and 9 July and the 20th anniversary of the crime in Srebrenica two days later.

Merkel will seek from Serbia to agree, at the end of the Brussels process with Pristina, to Kosovo's entry into the UN, but also to distance itself from the president of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik and to not prevent the strengthening of the central institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In other words to weaken the Republika Srpska completely.

Except to Belgrade, Chancellor goes to Tirana and Sarajevo. From the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, she will require to calm nationalistic and Islamic radicalism of Albanians in FYROM and Kosovo, and to work with Serbia on improvement of relations. She will warn Bosnians that it is high time to replace inter-ethnic tensions and endemic corruption with work on their path towards the EU. And the Germans would support constitutional changes and the further weakening of the Republika Srpska.

Germany, as economically strongest member of the EU, around 2012 took over the care over the western Balkans and conducts all in a closer cooperation with the United States. Britain contributes also, which decided to "sponsor" the Resolution on Srebrenica at the UN Security Council. The resolution should be adopted on the eve of the anniversary of two decades of this crime.

It is likely that Srebrenica as the greatest symbol of the suffering of Bosniaks from the RS Army in nineties will be the trigger for the attack on the Republika Srpska. Because, while Serbia, it seems, is on her the road to the EU, Jelena Guskova from the Russian Academy of Sciences indicates that the RS and its leader Milorad Dodik have remained as the last stronghold of "Serbian nationalism" in the Balkans.

London admitted

The British government yesterday confirmed the writing of Blic that the resolution on Srebrenica will be adopted by the UN Security Council. As reported, the text is being harmonized with "partners" in the UN. First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday that he expects a response from the United Kingdom in the coming days about intent in connection with this resolution.