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Analysts: It is the time for the concrete results in the dialogue (RTK2)

In regards to the today’s talks which are held in the Brussels and agreements that should be signed, political analysts believe that the time has come for concrete decisions on specific topics that are of importance for both Serbs and Albanians.

Nexhmedin Spahiu, a political analyst, said that although there has been a compromise, implementation has been very slow. "The dialogue, or compromise, considers loosening in attitudes, but I must say that time is precious. The implementation of what was agreed is minor and the dynamics of the implementation is very slow. It's been two years since the start of the dialogue - the results are visible, but they are small," he said.

Both, Serbs and Albanians disagree when it comes to the level of the competencies that Community / Association of the Serb municipalities (ZSO) will have, as confirmed by interlocutors in the talk show “Razgovor.”

Momcilo Arlov, from the Analytical Research Center, said that the establishment of the ZSO regulates the issue of integration of Serbs into Kosovo and their political strengthening. "It was envisaged that the ZSO will have executive power. It is crucial because it finally made transparent financing institutions of Kosovo Serbs. ZSO strengthened the general social consciousness, but also the political elite that we currently do not have. Serbs would have joint interests and positions related to the whole community, which is dispersed throughout Kosovo," said Arlov.

Besnik Tahiri, from the Kosovo Institute for Local Government, said that the ZSO should not have executive powers. "If it is true that a Non-governmental organization, Community, or Association is the only way for the survival of one community, then it is a big problem. As a country we cannot give or transfer executive responsibilities to the ZSO, because we would be in the conflict with the Constitution, with all the principles of the Ahtisaari plan, our legislation and with our vision of the future. That is why we must be very careful, "said Tahiri.