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OSCE concerned about the safety of journalists in Kosovska Mitrovica (Blic)

OSCE representative for media freedom Dunja Mijatovic condemned the attack on journalists, during demonstrations in Kosovska Mitrovica, and expressed concern for their safety. She also requested guaranteed security for the journalists who report from the demonstrations. 

In the statement, which refer to the media reports, was stated that journalists Behar Mustafa (BIRN), Faton Ismajli (Online Express) and Kajtaz Gecaj (Zeri) were attacked while they were reporting from the demonstrations in Kosovska Mitrovica, and that they were attacked by protesters. "I condemn yesterday's violent attacks on the journalists. They cannot and must not be tolerated," said Mijatovic. 

She welcomed the prompt reaction of journalists' associations. Mijatovic re-emphasized the importance of the safety of journalists as one of the basic conditions for effective and full respect of the right on freedom of information and for a free and democratic media, reads OSCE statement.