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Serbia is the target, till the end of Ramadan (Vecernje Novosti)

The German Embassy sent a circular letter to the German companies which are in Serbia clearly highlighting: “avoid public gatherings, trade centers and concerts.” In short, it was recommended to avoid places where is a high concentration of people.

According to the operational data of domestic and foreign services, locations with lot of people could be targets of terrorist’s attacks during the period of Ramadan. Operational services are doing everything to prevent possible terrorist attacks, but the attacks cannot be excluded.

As Novosti learned beside the “long barrels” in front of the state institutions Railway and Bus stations, Police Stations, electro and water supply facilities, the increased level of security is also the warning to the owners of the premises in the centre of the Belgrade. The management of some kinder gardens informed the parents that their children will not go in the yard to play, due to preventive-security reasons.

At the meeting of the Belgrade Centre for the security policy, which was organized yesterday, could be heard that officially 232, and unofficially 300, people left Kosovo and joined foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. In addition to them 70 fighters from Raska - Lim area joined the foreign fighters, out of which 7 were killed in Syria. They are in contact with their communities, and those who came back kept contacts with radical islamists.

General Momir Stojanovic, President of the Parliamentary Committee for the control of Security Services, said that ISIS will try to use the situation in the Western Balkans, which is unstable. “In western Balkans separatist movements are still strong. There is a dream about so called Great Albania; separatist’ striving in FYROM is growing, in addition to the problems in functioning B&H. It is the question of time when separatist movements will connect with the ISIS fighters. The additional problem presents increased number of migrants, who escape in order to save their lives, but it is possible that together with them will arrive some terrorists. ”

According to General Stojanovic, Serbia must urgently solve four urgent problems: “We must form unified data base on potential terrorists, since each Security Service is having its personal data base. We also must adopt the strategy for the fight against terrorism, which will assign the tasks to all participants. We should also form modern, well equipped, unique anti-terrorist centre. In case the attack happens, it will be too late for the forming of the Centre.”