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"No results without Haradinaj" (Danas)

Yesterday in Pristina, the main topics were “securing” of parliamentary majority for the adoption of constitutional amendments related to the establishment of the Special Court and details of Kosovo's candidacy to UNESCO. In both cases, everything revolved around the head of the Kosovo diplomacy and PDK leader Hashim Thaci, who promised the West that supposedly next week, he will ensure votes of the constitutional amendments necessary for the Special Court. Kosovo Assembly postponed summer vacation, and speculations from Pristina are that Thaci is missing a few votes.

“Thaci could provide those two or three votes till next week, but it is almost on the verge of fiction that it could be done without Ramush Haradinaj or someone from the opposition. One should bear in mind that without Haradinaj is impossible full implementation of the agreement on Special court. West is increasingly thinking that without Haradinaj as the Prime Minister and Thaci as the president, Kosovo cannot function,” told political analyst Dusan Janjic.

On the question whether it is in the interest of Belgrade that a special court is set up under the auspices of the UN Security Council, instead of Pristina, Janjic responded that the international version "means a new delay of this issue". He said that "Serbia should rather “trade” with the other side documents related to the Serbs which could have trial before this court, so that the Serbian list could vote for the constitutional amendments."

“The best option for the Serbs is to form a special court as soon as possible. It does not matter under whose auspices, since it will function under EU law, on which the agreement was reached,” said Ksenija Bozovic, deputy leader of the Citizens' Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, and President of the Assembly Mitrovica North.